This year, Wellsville-Middletown R-1 seniors earned an incredible $394,810 in total scholarship money. This year 27 seniors earned $364,500 in A+ scholarship money. To be eligible for an A+ scholarship, each student had to maintain a 2.5 GPA, score proficient on Algebra I EOC, maintain a 95% attendance rate, complete 50 hours of tutoring, and maintain good citizenship. A+ scholarship money may be used at any participating public community college or technical/vocational school if enrolled as a full-time student. The remaining $30,310 in scholarship money was from generous local and regional scholarship funds. College and universities totals were not included. The Wellsville, Middletown, and surrounding communities are great supporters of Wellsville-Middletown R-1 graduates. Thank you for your continued support of WMR1 students.
Scholarship Earned 2019
May 29, 2019