The WMR-1 FFA Chapter is proud to announce that member and chapter officer, Lucy Schnitker was named the 2019-2020 Area V FFA President on May 8, 2019, at the Area V FFA Banquet in Elsberry, Missouri. She will lead Area V FFA this coming year with eight other highly qualified FFA members, including Clint Bailey and Caleigh Grote from Bowling Green, Olivia Brune and Madison Horstmeier from Clopton, Lauryn Robnett and Emily Hoyt from Audrain Co. R-VI, Hannah Hoelscher from Warrenton, and Grace Rhodes from Troy. Lucy is the daughter of Beth and Herb Schnitker of Middletown. Her advisor is Samantha Bohr. Fun fact: Lucy's aunt, Martha McDowell (Pillard) was the Area IV President from WMR-1 1985-86.

Lucy Schnitker - Area V President 2019-2020
May 9, 2019